WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Cairngorms National Park AuthorityPlanning Development Management Committee 04 September 2009, The Community Hall, Boat of Garten Additional Paper; Call-in Recommendation Report CNPA Ref 09/267/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Taylor Development Address Site to North of Mains of Glencarvie, Strathdon Development Details Erection of Dwellinghouse and Siting of Temporary Residential Caravan CNPA Notified 19-Aug-09 Call-in Expiry 09-Sep-09 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in To Follow Constraints On-site: FR LS SPR Adj: NMR Prev_Apps: 07/360/CP CNPA Ref 09/268/CP Applicant Name Helen Denerley Development Address Clashnettie, Glendeskry, Strathdon Development Details Roof Alterations and Dormer Extension to Dwellinghouse CNPA Notified 19-Aug-09 Call-in Expiry 09-Sep-09 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in No Call In Constraints On-site: LS NMR Adj: FR Prev_Apps: CNPA Ref 09/269/CP Applicant Name Alison Robertson Development Address Edencoille, Grantown-on-Spey Development Details Alterations, part demolition, extensions and landscaping works CNPA Notified 20-Aug-09 Call-in Expiry 10-Sep-09 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in No Call In Constraints On-site: SPR Adj: AWI GDL Prev_Apps: 05/426/CP 06/380/CP CNPA Ref 09/270/CP Applicant Name Food Programme Delivery Orchid Group Development Address 4 The Square, Grantown-on-Spey Development Details Display of illuminated signs CNPA Notified 24-Aug-09 Call-in Expiry 14-Sep-09 Application Type ADV Planner Call-in To Follow Constraints On-site: CA NMR Adj: Prev_Apps: 04/180/CP 06/479/CP 08/124/CP PAGE 2 CNPA Ref 09/271/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Niven Development Address 14 South West High Street, Grantown-on-Spey Development Details Replacement of four windows CNPA Notified 24-Aug-09 Call-in Expiry 14-Sep-09 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in No Call In Constraints On-site: CA NMR Adj: Prev_Apps: CNPA Ref 09/272/CP Applicant Name Strathspey Thistle Football Club Development Address Football Pitch and Land Adjoining Seafield Park, Heathfield Road, Grantownon- Spey Development Details Application under Section 42 of Planning Act to carry out development without complying with conditions previously imposed on 09/51/FULBS CNPA Notified 24-Aug-09 Call-in Expiry 14-Sep-09 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in To Follow Constraints On-site: Adj: SPA AWI FR GDL NMR SPR Prev_Apps: 09/070/CP CNPA Ref 09/273/CP Applicant Name Mr B Murray Development Address Land to Rear of Braeval, Carrbridge Development Details Erection of house (amended proposal) CNPA Notified 27-Aug-09 Call-in Expiry 17-Sep-09 Application Type PIP Planner Call-in No Call In Constraints On-site: Adj: AWI SPR Prev_Apps: 04/305/CP 09/196/CP CNPA Ref 09/274/CP Applicant Name Mr Alastair MacLennan Development Address Balliefurth Farmhouse, Grantown-on-Spey Development Details Proposed Erection of House for Self Catering Holiday Lets CNPA Notified 27-Aug-09 Call-in Expiry 17-Sep-09 Application Type MSC Planner Call-in To Follow Constraints On-site: Adj: SPR Prev_Apps: 09/072/CP PAGE 3 CNPA Ref 09/275/CP Applicant Name Cairngorms Outdoor Access Trust Development Address Footbridge and Path at Clunie Water to Glenshee Road, Braemar Development Details Installation of a 6m Span Timber Footbridge and Construction of 1170m path CNPA Notified 27-Aug-09 Call-in Expiry 17-Sep-09 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in To Follow Constraints On-site: FR SESA NSA SAC SPR NMR Adj: AWI SNAWI Prev_Apps: CNPA Ref 09/276/CP Applicant Name Invercauld Estate Development Address Land to South West of Clagganghoul, Crathie, Ballater Development Details Alterations to Vehicular Access CNPA Notified 28-Aug-09 Call-in Expiry 18-Sep-09 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in To Follow Constraints On-site: SESA AWI SNA Adj: FR SPA SAC SNAWI Prev_Apps: CNPA Ref 09/277/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Miller Development Address Mid Port Cottage, Cromdale, Grantown-on-Spey Development Details Extension to form sunroom CNPA Notified 28-Aug-09 Call-in Expiry 18-Sep-09 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in No Call In Constraints On-site: Adj: Prev_Apps: 04/009/CP CNPA Ref 09/278/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Miller Development Address 84 High Street, Kingussie Development Details Part change of use of Bakery shop to Cafe and Takeaway food CNPA Notified 28-Aug-09 Call-in Expiry 18-Sep-09 Application Type FUL Planner Call-in No Call In Constraints On-site: Adj: Prev_Apps: 04/459/CP